Sunday, January 24, 2016

DIY Folded Heart Garland

You will love the way to fold a piece of paper into heart for decoration on special days in your life.  A heart garland or Valentines, for his or her birthday or for room decoration will be so sweet. The trick is to cut the shape before folding, here is how:

1- Use A4 paper 80 grams. Thicker paper can be difficult to make last-fold with. 
2- Take a large plate or anything that is larger than the paper height. Draw around the edges. 
3- Cut. 

4- Now do all the paper you want to use and have ready. 
5- Now it will be folded in accordion fold along the long side. Be sure to pull the folds of the nail or weatherstrip tool so the creases are sharp.

6- Does the narrow “pinnae 2. 
7- Now Fold in half and see if it gets a steady heart. Pinch to. 
8- Glue on one of the inner flaps.

9- Squeeze in the crowd as the sides were attached to each other. One must fiddle and pinch a little.Separate the paper as a heart created. 
10- Through my viket on one heart half, about 5 mm down out the needle and thread through – then other cardiovascular half. Thread through a long thread – as long as when the garland to be.

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